The Future of Local Authorities – Remaining Relevant in the Next Decade

The Future of Local Authorities - Remaining Relevant in the Next Decade local authorities

“We have to set our sights high and give local authorities the tools they need to take a lead in building the workforce of the future. By investing in skills and jobs, we can empower young people to make a successful transition from education into meaningful employment.” – David Miliband, Former Labour MP and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

As local authorities brace themselves for the next decade and further periods of austerity, there are a few key areas that they need to focus on to remain relevant. These include employability and skills training, as well as ensuring that local communities feel engaged with their local authority and businesses. In this blog post, we will explore these key areas in more detail and discuss how local authorities can best prepare themselves for what’s to come.

1. Employability and Skills Training:

In order to remain competitive, local authorities must ensure that local residents are well-equipped with the skills they need to stay ahead in their chosen career paths, and support those who do not know how to leverage their existing skills in the ever-changing landscape. This means providing training courses, apprenticeships and internships to local people so they can continue developing their skills while remaining within the local area

2. Engaging Local Communities:

People feel more connected and engaged with their local authority when they are involved in decision-making processes. This could mean local referendums or public consultations on major projects, such as housing developments or transport infrastructure for instance. By allowing local communities to have a say in how decisions are made, local authorities will be able to build trust and demonstrate that they value local people’s opinions

3. Investing in Technology:

Local authorities must invest in technology to remain competitive and ensure that local services are run efficiently and effectively. This could include using data analytics to target residents more accurately, as well as investing in automated systems that can help local authorities reduce costs while providing a better service

4. Connecting Local Services:

Local authorities need to connect local services, so they can work together to provide the best possible outcomes for local communities. This means creating strategic partnerships between public services, such as health and social care providers, so they can collaborate on projects which benefit local people

5. Developing Leadership Strategies:

Local authorities need strong leaders who can guide local decision-making, while also being able to communicate effectively with local communities. This means developing leadership strategies that promote diversity, empower local staff and create an environment which encourages collaboration and innovation

These five points demonstrate some of the key ways in which local authorities can remain relevant in the next decade. By investing in employability and skills training, engaging local communities, investing in technology, connecting local services and developing effective leadership strategies, they will be better placed to provide local people with the best possible service


For local authorities to remain relevant in the next decade regarding employability, they need to offer more services and assistance than ever before. This means going beyond the basics of local job boards. It also requires offering free or low-cost resources that can help job seekers connect with potential employers, and gaining access to relevant resources and opportunities. Sign up for our freemium package today and provide a wealth of tools and resources that will help you take your resident’s job search to the next level. With our marketing toolkit, you’ll have everything you need to touch the hardest reach in your communities. Don’t wait – sign up now!

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