Achieving your Social Responsibility and CSR agenda

CSR Local Authorities

“The social responsibility of a company extends beyond making profits – it should also strive to create value for its employees and be part of the community.” – Jack Welch, Former Chairman and CEO of General Electric.

The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become commonplace in business and society. It means different things to different companies but, broadly speaking, it is the way organisations take account of their impact on society and the environment – not just financially, but also through their activities, products and services. Local Authorities can often find themselves at the forefront of initiatives that help improve employability for citizens. From education to re-skilling programmes, local authorities have a responsibility to ensure as many people as possible are given the opportunity to gain sustainable employment. This blog post will explore how local authorities can work towards achieving social responsibility and CSR agendas through employability initiatives. Specifically, it will look at the benefits of such initiatives and how they can be delivered effectively. Ultimately, by working towards social responsibility goals, local authorities can make a real difference in the lives of those they serve.

The meaning of social responsibility and CSR

The concept of social responsibility is not only a powerful way for individuals to act for the good of their community or environment, but it’s also an effective business strategy. Companies that demonstrate their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) see clear growth in engagement, customer loyalty and even their bottom line. By taking the values of social responsibility and leveraging them through the company’s actions, corporate entities can become more than economic actors — they can become active agents in creating positive change. This builds brand trust, supports employee and citizen engagement and serves as a rallying call to build communities around meaningful initiatives. It’s time for organisations everywhere to recognise and prioritise the importance of CSR; a smart investment today will result in countless gains down the road.

How employability can help achieve social responsibility and CSR agenda

As the business world shifts its focus to addressing global challenges and promoting social responsibility, employability can play an important role in helping drive a corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda. Equipping individuals with the necessary skills, experience and resources that enable them to enter and remain in good employment, not only will it help support existing workforce development strategies, but will also demonstrate an employer’s commitment to strengthening local communities; providing additional opportunities for those from deprived backgrounds, for example. What better way for organisations like Local Authorities to invest their time and resources than by making a difference in the lives of others? Educating employees about their rights and entitlements as well as bolstering their job prospects is key if we are serious about promoting social responsibility; enhancing employee engagement and driving a successful CSR agenda.

The benefits of achieving social responsibility and CSR agenda through employability

Businesses and organisations of all sizes can benefit greatly from achieving social responsibility goals via driven employability agendas. From worker engagement and improved morale to better public relations outcomes, there is a range of sociological and economic impacts associated with prioritising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). When employees are empowered to take ownership and participate in initiatives, they feel ownership of their work which can lead to increased efficiency and performance. Investment in developing skills not only heightens employability but also connects the employee to their employer—strengthening loyalty, recognition, respect and pride. Higher skills mean higher wages too—so it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. CSR can reflect the diversity available within an organisation; promote culture change; generate goodwill; decrease the risk of litigation; open new markets for growth; reduce compliance costs and realize other tangible savings —all of which will improve ROI in the long term. Investing in your people by making responsible employability commitments makes sense for any business size or type.

Case studies or examples of organisations that have achieved social responsibility and CSR agenda through employability

One organisation that has been highly praised for its ability to implement social responsibility and CSR initiatives while focusing on employability is the IT giant Hewlett-Packard (HP). In particular, HP has continuously revamped its apprentice program over the last decade. From providing access to educational guidance and a strong support network, HP’s program helps unemployed individuals, especially educated professionals who are unable to work due to economic hardship, gain skills and secure long-term employment. Furthermore, HP provides healthcare benefits and student loan assistance to all of its apprentices regardless of gender or race, creating an environment that is conducive for those facing housing insecurity or childcare commitments. By focusing on employability through innovative strategies such as in-person and virtual learning options, HP demonstrates that organisations can look beyond profits and instead prioritise people in order to create genuine change.

How you can get started with achieving social responsibility and CSR agenda through employability in your organisation

When it comes to achieving social responsibility and a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda in your organisation, getting started can seem like an intimidating process. However, one of the most effective strategies for employing a sustainable approach is through employability. This can take many forms; from engaging with schools and local education initiatives to giving young people essential skills in order to gain employment to investing in processes that enable people of all ages further their work-based qualifications and talents. There are online tools such as Skillzminer that can quickly benefit your citizens employment prospects.

Employability not only enables employees to continually learn, grow and strive for career development but it also provides the organisation with more motivated staff who have opportunities of their own within their job roles. By promoting an employability strategy in your organisation you can help tackle some key social issues today – from unemployment levels to well-being – as well as establish a clear sense of moral integrity as well as doing something meaningful for both your employees and your mission statement.


It is evident that a global focus on employability will improve social responsibility and the CSR agenda. This can only be done through partnerships with like-minded businesses, government support, and community engagement. We offer a freemium package that helps individuals in your community get access to jobs, education, and training. Sign up today to help make a difference in the lives of those around you.

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