Improved data insight on residents’ skills and employment status

Improved data insight on residents' skills and employment status - local authorities

“Data can be a powerful tool for understanding and aiding the employment and skills of people, but when used responsibly, it has the opportunity to create positive change.” — Hilary Mason, Data Scientist.

Local Authorities need to have accurate and up-to-date information on the skills and employability status of their residents. This data can be used to inform policy, target investment and design interventions that support residents in employment. The latest data from the Employer Skills Survey (ESS) shows that there has been a significant improvement in the skills and employability of residents in Local Authorities across England. This is fantastic news and a credit to the efforts of Local Authorities in supporting their residents into employment. However, there is still more work to be done to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to access good quality jobs. Local Authorities must continue to invest in skills and employability initiatives that will make a real difference in people’s lives.

The government has announced new data that shows an increase in the skills and employability of residents

The newly released data from the government serves as an encouraging reminder that our society is continuously progressing in terms of the professional level of individuals and their employability. This should be celebrated as it proves that more residents are now aspiring more than ever to acquire new skills and refine them to succeed professionally. Consequently, this data speaks volumes of our nation’s commitment towards uplifting its citizens by empowering them with the right tools and knowledge. It is a testament to the great potential and ambition that exists within our population; potential that, when put to good use, can truly achieve wonders. Ultimately, these very findings may just be the fuel our country needs to further thrive.

The data is based on surveys of employers and employees and includes information on job satisfaction and wages

Understanding how employees feel and perform at work is key to successful businesses. Surveys provide an opportunity to get employees’ perspectives on job satisfaction and pay, allowing employers to tailor their hiring practices and compensation accordingly. By gathering feedback directly from its workers, a company can effectively engage with its staff and develop an understanding of what will make them happier and more productive. Companies rely on data from surveys of employers and employees to chart the course for their future success; it’s essential for effective decision-making that takes into account both the quantitative level such as wages, as well as the qualitative job satisfaction aspect. With this data, companies are better equipped to attract and retain talent while optimizing staff morale.

The results show that more people are finding work that matches their skill set, and are earning higher wages

As we saw in the survey, more people are now in work that brings out their abilities and makes the most of their skill set. This not only benefits the individual by increasing job satisfaction and a sense of purpose, but it also pays dividends to the wider population in terms of increased productivity and higher wages. With overall wage growth outpacing inflation, those finding jobs that align with individual strengths have a head start on achieving financial stability in these uncertain economic times. That’s why now is the perfect time for businesses to invest in employee training and development for their most talented workers – so everyone can benefit from the upward trend of market salaries.

This is good news for the economy, as it means that more people can contribute to society and provide for their families

Any economic recovery will only succeed by putting more money into people’s pockets, allowing them to invest in both their futures and that of the community as a whole. By empowering individuals to take part in society, they can use their newfound financial security to benefit themselves and others around them. This increased activity will lead to a prosperous future for everyone involved. With an ever-increasing amount of people able to contribute positively to the economy, more jobs will be created, allowing for new growth opportunities. Everyone benefits from this kind of success; it’s a win-win situation for all.

It also means that businesses can find the skilled workers they need, which helps to grow the economy

Finding the right people for the job is essential to any business’s success. Not only does it guarantee high-standard output, but it can also help drive economic growth. When businesses have access to top talent, they can increase production, create new products and ultimately contribute to GDP. By hiring the highly skilled workers they need, ventures of all sizes can create a strong impact on their industries and economies as a whole. For countries that prioritize employment growth and better productivity, investing in finding skilled workers could prove invaluable in boosting long-term prosperity.

Local Authorities need to continue investing in programs that help people gain skills and find employment

Local authorities have a responsibility to invest in the growth and development of their communities by providing programs that can help people gain skills and find employment. It is important not just for these individuals, but also for the communities they live in. People with diverse backgrounds who have access to such programs can become part of a strong economic system, contributing their knowledge, ideas, and resources to make their community better. Providing these programs is one way to create equity in our societies by helping those who may have difficulty entering the labour market. Without this kind of access to resources, many may not be able to achieve their potential and realize their dreams. Local authorities need to continue investing in these initiatives for the benefit of everyone involved.


The skills and employability of residents are important for the health of the economy. The new data from the government shows that more people are finding work that matches their skillset and are earning higher wages. This is good news for businesses, as they can find the skilled workers they need to grow the economy. Most importantly Local Authorities must continually invest in programs that help people gain skills and find employment. Sign up for our freemium package to help individuals in your community gain access to these opportunities.

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