The Levelling up agenda and the importance of employment

Levelling up agenda and the impact on Local Authorities

“The UK’s levelling up agenda presents a unique opportunity to ensure that everyone can access employment and skills opportunities regardless of where they live.” —Stephen Friedland, Employment & Skills Policy Analyst.

In recent years, the government has placed an increased emphasis on the “levelling up” agenda. This has seen a greater focus on investment in communities across the country that have been left behind for too long. While this is a step in the right direction, one key area that must be addressed is employment. Too many people in these areas are stuck in low-paid, insecure work and this needs to change. Local authorities have a crucial role to play in this by ensuring that businesses invest in good quality jobs. Only then will we see a real levelling up of our society.

The government’s new levelling-up agenda is all about creating jobs and boosting economic growth in underdeveloped areas of the country.

The government’s levelling up agenda seeks to provide real, tangible benefits in the form of job creation and an injection of economic growth into previously neglected areas of our country. By reorganising investment and financial resources, these regions can be better enabled to compete in an increasingly globalised world economy. Benefits will also ripple out beyond just employment and financial growth; increased social mobility can underpin a greater sense of pride and hope for the future of their communities. Leveraging this newfound dynamism would ensure that the entire nation moves forward together – no one should be left behind.

Local authorities have a big role to play in this, as they are responsible for economic development in their areas.

Local authorities have the power to create employability opportunities and economic development in their areas. Investing in continued employability initiatives and training can maximise chances of getting people into meaningful employment. This not only has a positive impact for individuals, but it contributes to the growth of local areas, creating a better environment for existing businesses as well as encouraging new companies to set up. This economic activity benefits everybody and helps to drive productivity and growth, making it an invaluable responsibility of local authorities.

There are many ways that local authorities can help to create jobs and boost economic growth, including investing in infrastructure, supporting businesses, and attracting investment.

Local authorities have a critical role in leading economic development in their communities. Investment in infrastructure has been shown to generate increased investments and business activity, as well as make a community an attractive place for potential employers to locate their businesses. Support for small businesses is another key area where local authorities can help create jobs and fuel economic growth. Investing in programs that fund the establishment of new businesses, provide mentoring and resources to start-up founders, or incentivise the expansion of existing small businesses can all have a positive impact on job creation. Finally, attracting investment from outside sources such as investors is essential to driving economic development. Local governments should leverage existing relationships with public and private organizations to secure inward investment which can drive jobs locally and contribute to economic growth.

However, there are also some challenges that local authorities face when it comes to levelling up their economies, such as lack of funding and skills shortages.

The effort to level up local economies is an essential part of building a better, fairer Britain. However, progress can be stilted if local authorities face challenges that they are unable to resolve on their own. One of these issues is the lack of funding; something which many regions across the UK have suffered from for years. This difficulty in securing finances restricts authorities’ ability to implement plans that would benefit their communities and add both economic and cultural value to the local area. Furthermore, the issue of skills shortages is also an inhibitor that needs to be addressed – without fitting candidates for certain roles, organisations will struggle, making it difficult for them to retain and develop specific skillsets needed for growth. To ensure a successful levelling-up process, it’s important local authorities are provided with the help they need in overcoming these obstacles.

Despite these challenges, local authorities must continue to work towards levelling up their economies so that everyone can benefit from the government’s new agenda.

Local authorities must take action to level up their economies and reduce the economic inequality that currently exists. Currently, employment across much of the country is below average and increased investment in these areas could help create job opportunities and entice new businesses. This would not only benefit locals but also forge a more valuable economy for the entire nation. Having more employment would improve living standards and result in additional revenue for the government from income tax which can be used to invest in important services such as healthcare and education – creating a virtuous circle. As such, it is clear that levelling up our economy is essential for broader national goals of success and prosperity.


Employment is a crucial component of the levelling up agenda. By investing in job creation and training, local economies can improve. This creates a virtuous circle of growth and opportunity which is vital for communities across the UK. Authorities that don’t act now risk being left behind. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, sign up for our freemium package to share our tool to help your communities find work today. You’ll receive access to our marketing toolkit, as well as other resources that can help you get started.

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